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<util/delay.h>: 便利な busy-wait 遅延ループ


void _delay_ms (double __ms)
void _delay_us (double __us)


    #define F_CPU 1000000UL  // 1 MHz
    //#define F_CPU 14.7456E6
    #include <util/delay.h>





void _delay_ms ( double  __ms )

_delay_loop_2()を使用して、__ms ミリ秒の遅延を実行します。


可能な最大遅延は、262.14ms / F_CPU(MHz)となります。

When the user request delay which exceed the maximum possible one, _delay_ms() provides a decreased resolution functionality. In this mode _delay_ms() will work with a resolution of 1/10 ms, providing delays up to 6.5535 seconds (independent from CPU frequency). The user will not be informed about decreased resolution.

If the avr-gcc toolchain has __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(unsigned long) support, maximal possible delay is 4294967.295 ms/ F_CPU in MHz. For values greater than the maximal possible delay, overflows results in no delay i.e., 0ms.

Conversion of __us into clock cycles may not always result in integer. By default, the clock cycles rounded up to next integer. This ensures that the user gets atleast __us microseconds of delay.

Alternatively, user can define __DELAY_ROUND_DOWN__ and __DELAY_ROUND_CLOSEST__ to round down and round to closest integer.

Note: The new implementation of _delay_ms(double __ms) with __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(unsigned long) support is not backward compatible. User can define __DELAY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE__ to get a backward compatible delay although this will be deprecated in future.

void _delay_us ( double  __us )

Perform a delay of __us microseconds, using _delay_loop_1().

The macro F_CPU is supposed to be defined to a constant defining the CPU clock frequency (in Hertz).

The maximal possible delay is 768 us / F_CPU in MHz.

If the user requests a delay greater than the maximal possible one, _delay_us() will automatically call _delay_ms() instead. The user will not be informed about this case.

If the avr-gcc toolchain has __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(unsigned long) support, maximal possible delay is 4294967.295 us/ F_CPU in MHz. For values greater than the maximal possible delay, overflow results in no delay i.e., 0us.

Conversion of __us into clock cycles may not always result in integer. By default, the clock cycles rounded up to next integer. This ensures that the user gets atleast __us microseconds of delay.

Alternatively, user can define __DELAY_ROUND_DOWN__ and __DELAY_ROUND_CLOSEST__ to round down and round to closest integer.

Note: The new implementation of _delay_us(double __us) with __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(unsigned long) support is not backward compatible. User can define __DELAY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE__ to get a backward compatible delay although this will be deprecated in future.

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翻訳更新:2014年7月6日 by cega